Name: | Katty |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | flirtville |
Comments: | I'll get this stupid thing to work yet! |
Febuary 12, 2000 07:59:14 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Katty |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Flirtland |
Comments: | Well, after coming in and seeing how badly I'm wanted... I have to surrender to Carewyn and let her have her evil way with me. I'm told by other lushful people who shall remain unnamed that I shall be better off for it..... So here goes CARE - COME TAKE ME!! Oh and by the way - SiKBoy you can start with me - I need a massage and a decent days worth of sex! |
Febuary 12, 2000 05:47:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | SiKBoy |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Sydney |
Comments: | Well lets see... I think the page is great, but you girls need to vote on the channel stud... I wanna start pleasuring you girls. |
Febuary 12, 2000 03:17:06 (GMT Time) |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http://fuckyouonemoretime |
Where are you from: | EVERYWHERE |
Comments: | I THINK IF ORGOT TO CHANGE MY INFO ON THE LAST ONE SO IT WAS A BIT BORING. I don't like capolock either. Did you all knwo that i am going to meet lusy in peerson and have this torrid affair with her then move onto jenn coz they are both so hot. one day i will score with kat too but atm she is othersie preoccupied. I have a hting for red heads atm that i should really get over and will one day ... but i just have to get back to perth and stuff. i think i shourl really go now caoz i dunno wtf i a |
Febuary 11, 2000 13:10:47 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn jober as a sudge |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http://fuckyouagain |
Where are you from: | THERE |
Comments: | I still have a bit of energy fso fo ryour amusement i am attempign yet another siging of this dman guestbook coz i can and coz i will. The topic of this part is...s STUSD. I am a stud and therefore should be a stud of the chan but coz i am female and judge of the stud comp i cannot enter. Just a hint for all u cguys looks like CHANOP has changed sex and might be the next stud of the channel or something along those lines. DOnt' worry too much we prefer real dicks instead of cyber ones. XXXXOOO |
Febuary 11, 2000 13:08:30 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn jober as a sudge |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http://fuckyouagain |
Where are you from: | THERE |
Comments: | I am still sober so i thought I would attack the guesbotok again before i wen tot sleep and stuff. What was ai saying before? I dunno nore do i relaly care. I will be back in perth in lesst hen 2 weeek don't expect me onlien coz i will be bonking and stuyding or something eyah. bonking is fun?! YAH i am sure u all agree with me unless u r virgins. UMMMM yeah. Sexual positions and blondeness rock! *KISS* -me |
Febuary 11, 2000 13:06:18 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Careywn the sober |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http://fuckyou |
Where are you from: | HERE |
Comments: | lushy say go sign the guest book careywn coz u are druk andthere fore should sign it so i am singing it though knowing me i will ramble over hte ugestbook allowance and shit. you all rock ppls i love you all and hope u all love me coz i am a flower power kid or something like that....NEXT |
Febuary 11, 2000 13:03:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | heare there and every where |
Comments: | im the stud im the stud im the stud |
Febuary 11, 2000 10:18:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bozo |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Lushys Bed (I Wish) |
Comments: | Well i had to sign it , i had no choice lushy made me do it. Shes pretty smart, learnt it all of me i think |
Febuary 10, 2000 13:32:52 (GMT Time) |
Name: | val_venis |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | melbourne |
Comments: | excellent stuff lushy. great idea. keep up the good work. and i will try to keep my one down. |
Febuary 9, 2000 12:50:27 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Arleta aka SugarKitten |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | my mum originally :oP |
Comments: | Great work with the h.p guys !!! U've really done a great job!!!! theres so many new ppl on 18-25 , hope i get a chance to talk to y'all! |
Febuary 8, 2000 14:02:32 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mr_Ed |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Stables |
Comments: | *neigh*
ok ok ok so my photo in the pics and bios wasn't really me.... I guess I can come out and show my real goto now... so here it is..... and please don't tease me about the long face.
![]() |
Febuary 8, 2000 13:49:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | pj |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Sydney |
Comments: | Good site, very true and honest, matches the great chat room!! thanks for the friendship - hopefully see you again cya ppl "There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves....." MJK |
Febuary 8, 2000 11:52:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | heare there and every where |
Comments: | good but i carnt do the stud thing its pissin me off cos i just know that im the besstset thing in the chan and i just have to let everyone else know that so we need to fix it all up so i can tell all the other stud wanna be's that its a wast of time even trying out for it |
Febuary 8, 2000 11:33:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jenn_ |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | the sex shop down town |
Comments: | Finally I get a chance to write my comment and i havent got a bloody clue on what to say!!! Well done Lushy....and Willow? .....Love you and to everyone else you were wonderful! |
Febuary 8, 2000 05:26:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | MissJaide *shock horror* |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | originally from #18-25 |
Comments: | well done pplz ! Its good to b able 2 c all the new faces of the channel now that i'm a veteran and dont visit as regularly. Keep up those goss pages, I drank them up !! |
Febuary 7, 2000 02:02:54 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Angel aka Sexy_Angel |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Heaven of course (sydney part - time lol) |
Comments: | Great site guys, and you r all soo sexy.... I wouldn't mind getting a bit of Lushy myself.....Pls Pls Pls... Don't be scared to talk to me, I don't bite(unless on request!) Keep on turnin me on ~8~ Angel |
Febuary 6, 2000 23:07:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn missing in action part 4 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | AS IF!!!!! |
Comments: | whoever reads this please update the gossip page and get ya facts right from now on. Great page u got going here Lushy hon, sorry I wasn't round to help you out with it much, I guess I just went to Cairns a week to late hey! Ciao to all my fans, including you Richard whoever you are! XXXXXXOOOOOOO |
Febuary 6, 2000 15:42:25 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn missing in action part 3 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Over there *points* |
Comments: | in the big city right? Lushy I hope you one day forgive me for this horrible deception, but you see, she can blow up purple balloons faster then you, and she is not allergic to hay like you are. I never did like it when you came out in those horrid red spots that had puss coming outa them. Though of course the puss was tasty at times. Willow1 I have one thing to say to you, SUCKED IN. She's mine now all mine MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. You can have Lushy if you want, but beware of her false teeth ok? So w |
Febuary 6, 2000 15:40:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn missing in action part 2 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | You tell me!!!!! |
Comments: | Right well anyways once I get this mystery figured out I'll be at peace. For the moment, the rumours are not true. Don't ever believe the crap that is written in the "rumours and gossip" section. YOU HAVE IT ALL WRONG. Alas you see in actual fact Jenn_ and I have run off together to the a romote part of Africa where we are having fun blowing up purple balloons and taking hay rides. If any of you are wondering, yes we are lovers, and yes I have stolen her from Willow1, but eh, shit happens in the |
Febuary 6, 2000 15:38:26 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carewyn missing in action |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | F*ck knows |
Comments: | Ok who is Richard Head? Tell me now or forever get your balls twisted and stretched above your neck. |
Febuary 6, 2000 15:31:23 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Shot down with a fist to the dick |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | in pain on the ground |
Comments: | What are you supposed to do when someone that you really have true feeling for shoots you down to the ground? Should you just stand there and take it or take a stand and get your feeling stressed to the oposite person, but it really doesnt matter when they are too self orientated to even hear or see what you are saying. |
Febuary 6, 2000 05:24:39 (GMT Time) |
Name: | NortiNoogie |
Email: | I prefer the real thing |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | chocolate gelati heaven |
Comments: | ![]() Sorry Lushy, had to be done :) |
Febuary 6, 2000 04:33:40 (GMT Time) |
Name: | NortiNoogie |
Email: | I prefer the real thing |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | chocolate gelati heaven |
Comments: | I often wonder just how strange you all think I am, but then I saw your pics, placed then with your rather interesting conversations and realized that I am just a small fish in this rather rancid pond. And in no way do I look like Mr_ED, and I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Good night MR Gorsky. |
Febuary 6, 2000 04:19:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | cre8tor |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Antarctica |
Comments: | Hmmmmmm |
Febuary 5, 2000 14:38:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | DolphinGal |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Melbourne |
Comments: | I love this page it is so kewl I also love this room and most of the people in it...*wink* *kisses to all* |
Febuary 4, 2000 14:10:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | `Miss_Linni |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Telarah Heights |
Comments: | Well, I think we have done VERY well with this site. I am also happy that I was thanked first. |
Febuary 4, 2000 10:43:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | up the creek without a paddle |
Comments: | well done lushy youve rerally done well to put all this together in just two days. and well done to all who helped to put this together oh bye the way we are going to have a piss up to celabrate hehehe lets get pissed |
Febuary 4, 2000 10:10:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Josh |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Whitetrashville USA |
Comments: | my wiener itches, will someone please scratch it |
Febuary 4, 2000 05:46:09 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Katty |
Email: | katty_Tina |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Tassie |
Comments: | Gee - all the people on here are absolute sex gods - what more can I say!! I wish I could marry you all and eat you for breakfast! |
Febuary 4, 2000 04:44:20 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sugar Spice |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Mars I think |
Comments: | indigo......Who? |
Febuary 3, 2000 13:50:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Richard Head |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Right here! |
Comments: | Carewyn....Oh how sweet it is to know Kris, I feared this girl for many many months, her strange addiction to IRC and her lesbian tendancies made my eyebrow raise on more then one occasion, but let me assure you this chick is funky and great fun! |
Febuary 3, 2000 13:47:43 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jack Orf |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Tartsville U.S.A. |
Comments: | |
Febuary 3, 2000 13:45:12 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jesus Christ |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Just above Earth |
Comments: | I was going to say what I really thougt about #18-25, but the fear of having my gonads removed from a certain someone /me glares over his right shoulder. Prevents me from doing so. So I will run through the OPS that I know and share my great knowledge with you all.
Febuary 3, 2000 13:41:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Ivana Humpu |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | over there *points* |
Comments: | Lushy is a big sticky dildo :P~~ |
Febuary 3, 2000 13:13:02 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | dunno |
Comments: | gettin there real quick |
Febuary 3, 2000 12:53:36 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barry1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | A place |
Comments: | Not a bad start at all Lushy!!! |
Febuary 3, 2000 12:27:28 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Michael Graham |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Melbourne |
Comments: | Does it really apply if I sign a guestbook of a sight that I am on? |
Febuary 3, 2000 12:08:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | heare there and every where |
Comments: | wheres willows pic the sexy thing he is |
Febuary 3, 2000 10:35:55 (GMT Time) |
Name: | rich |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | west australia |
Comments: | kool page :) hope all u regulars stay here aloooong time, like i have :) |
Febuary 3, 2000 10:32:03 (GMT Time) |
Name: | willow1 |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | mummys tummy |
Comments: | mmmmmmmmmmmmmm jenn_ n' lushy are sooooo hot. yummy!!!!!! so when am i gona get to know all of you lot????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? well not to bad at all see you all shit u'self when i get my pic in there cos im the king you blokes had better not start workin up some type of relationship with the women folk cos i'll have em all hahahahaha roflmao hehehehehehehehehe i wish! |
Febuary 3, 2000 07:40:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | ShAsZ |
Email: | love_roman |
HomePage: | http://couldntbebotheredtodoone:) |
Where are you from: | Newcastle |
Comments: | Wicked i like it :) As i said to Lushy...its heaps freaky seein what everyone looked like...its cool :) goooood stuuuuuff |
Febuary 3, 2000 06:33:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | SiKBoy |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | Sydney |
Comments: | What have you done to my hair? j/k Kwel page, good to see who I am talking to. BTW that is my email addy |
Febuary 3, 2000 03:53:05 (GMT Time) |