When I first decided I'd make a start on a #18-25 homepage coz no-one else was gonna I thought I was facing an up hill battle.... But here I am just two days later and I can't believe how many pics and bios I've been able to gather in such a short time.
A big thankyou to each and everyone of you. Without you guys there wouldn't be a page here for us to all gork and laugh at.
To those of you who have been thinking I've been avoiding you or ignoring you over the last few days I'm sorry.... and I beg your forgiveness, I'm sure I can make it up to you in some shape or form :P To those of you I have annoyed and chased until you realised that I was'nt gonna go away until you gave me your bio I'm sorry - but it all makes it worth while now that you've seen it put together don't it?
Extra special thanks have to go to `Miss_Linni, Relic, Revelation, Jenn, Willow, MrEd, Sugs and Mojo for the extra help they've given me. And thankyou in advance to all the rest of you who are going to fill my mailbox with new ideas.
*HuGz* *Smoochs* *Lix* *Gropes* *Fondles* *Suck* *Slurp* and whatever else I used to bribe you into giving me you bios................
PS - For anyone with and idea, requests for change, or whatever you know where to find me, or click on the link below to send me an email - and don't forget to sign the guest book!