| Nick |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
@pinkee |
  558 |
"it was a typo dammit!" |
2 |
@Sub0 |
 475 |
"so you sell soap and stuff?" |
3 |
@melaknee |
 399 |
"and for the record i didn't tell her richy" |
4 |
@letters |
  384 |
"i thought u meant do i want one" |
5 |
Drackster |
  384 |
"what ya all been up to tonight?" |
6 |
@Apollo |
   298 |
"only yours tho hehehe" |
7 |
Lushy |
 277 |
"the guy from the orphange is coming on 20th Nov" |
8 |
frippy |
  205 |
"talez obviously needs a life" |
9 |
JuanBikHo |
  171 |
"ull have to do it more often then" |
10 |
Mr_Mojo_Risin |
 165 |
"shit... i paid $200 and am on a $75 /month plan for 2 years... think ..." |
11 |
Kendar |
  150 |
"yes, thats one stuff for table 3" |
12 |
Away_Away |
  147 |
"is that why u ride the "Special" bus?" |
13 |
skldjhg |
118 |
"that time of the year already?" |
14 |
rich |
 116 |
"subby r u back stabbing matt again:P" |
15 |
@Mr_Ed |
 106 |
"gookbasher is cunteyes" |
16 |
val_venis |
  101 |
"fuck man u r such a cunt cunteyes" |
17 |
JayDee |
97 |
"its all good.. i havent had withdrawls lately.. had my hands firmly ..." |
18 |
cargo |
 95 |
"so u put your name and addy in there ?" |
19 |
@scruffles |
 91 |
"na he dont sound nice he called me a whore!!" |
20 |
Pebbs` |
 82 |
"who let u back in cuntpain??????????" |
21 |
JustEnough |
78 |
"where's their commitment to the cause!" |
22 |
PushPush |
70 |
"hey batfgirl" |
23 |
ThinG |
55 |
"hellloooOOOOooooOOOoOOo" |
24 |
@Scarlett1 |
  52 |
"i didnt hae a good sleep ;o(" |
25 |
Parthon |
 48 |
"what? so I'm not good enough to do your survey?" |
26 |
forza_ferrari |
47 |
"i fink shes playing cars wif bozo" |
27 |
@Bottox |
46 |
"have a look who it says" |
28 |
@McWombo |
 45 |
"is that implying that scruffles has a square arse ?" |
29 |
`snippy |
43 |
"u guys bite ass" |
30 |
Ninhydrin |
 41 |
"yep start again at 12" |
- pinkee couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 9 times during this reporting period..
- melaknee really wanted others to know what was doing - 37 descriptions alltogether.
- Sample:
- [21:13] * melaknee hands rewy his cuppa
- The evil guard was ChanOP who got this reputation after kicking out 17 persons.
- Sample:
- [23:06] <cunteyes> pinkee: send me your pic
- [23:06] *** cunteyes was kicked by ChanOP ([melaknee] shut the fuck up about bloody pics already!)
- Also Apollo tried to look cool and kicked out 6 persons..
- ashgal_ didn't get it on the first time and got kicked out for 9 times...
- Sample:
- [13:24] <ashgal_> elo richbitch
- [13:24] *** ashgal_ was kicked by ChanOP ([Away_Away] User Kick requested)
- ChanOP gave most ops - actually 57 of them!
- cargo behaved badly and got deopped 3 times..
- Mr_Mojo_Risin had many things uncertain - 18% of lines contained a question.
- rich wrote longest lines - average of 21 letters per line.
List of persons with most nicknames (Still haven't found the best one, pinkee..) |
pinkee - 7 Nicks | pinkee(90%), pink_spa_erizin(3.4%), pinkReading(3.0%), pinkCookinFood(2.7%), pinkles(0.5%), PinkParenting(0.2%), pinkGettinReady(0.0%) |
Drackster - 6 Nicks | Drackster(65%), Dracktser(34%), Drack^smoko(0.5%), Drack^doorman(0.3%), Dracku(0.0%), Drack^away(0.0%) |
Mr_Ed - 5 Nicks | Mr_Ed(100%), Mr_Ed_Gym(0.0%), Mr_Ed_Bbl(0.0%), Mr_Ed_nrn(0.0%), Mr_Ed_brb(0.0%) |
Lushy - 3 Nicks | Lushy(77%), LushBZ(23%), LushSuds(0.4%) |
Kendar - 3 Nicks | Kendar(97%), Kendar-away(3.3%), Kendar`(0.0%) |
| |