| Nick |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
scruffles |
  891 |
"lol thats really nice!!" |
2 |
@Lushy |
  870 |
"I think Zed cheated.... he's still guessing!" |
3 |
@letters |
  724 |
"only cause snap comes first in the song!! :P" |
4 |
Mr_Mojo_Risin |
  635 |
"he designed planes too :) (busy dide)" |
5 |
@melaknee |
  630 |
"so did you have a bit of a fight before dale??" |
6 |
@Battie |
  611 |
"i dont remember that movie:/" |
7 |
@ashgal_ |
 582 |
"yer my phone vibrates" |
8 |
@Mr_Ed |
 556 |
"where theres a will....." |
9 |
Pebbs` |
 515 |
"hey mark how was ya sleep in 2day??? ya lucky bugger" |
10 |
Dale |
 431 |
"it is the greasiest, sleasiest, sluttiest, club in the whole town" |
11 |
@Apollo |
  406 |
"l said studying for it not there yet" |
12 |
@Sub0 |
 405 |
"Well if that was your ambition" |
13 |
THinG |
  401 |
"lol rich..u smart ass" |
14 |
Drackster |
  397 |
"did I spell it right this time :)" |
15 |
jords^ |
  393 |
"did she have a good rack dale" |
16 |
Mensch |
 360 |
"rear shot of me sitting down" |
17 |
@JuanBikHo |
  257 |
"tell her shes a wicked wicked woman :)" |
18 |
235 |
"fuck us italians r like that, gt million rellies and aint met half them" |
19 |
rich |
 220 |
"great to c the chan rocking:P" |
20 |
evilangel |
  215 |
"I'm super thankz bear.. u ?" |
21 |
Kendar |
 210 |
"its me wombo....im infatuated by you....i just want your sexy body" |
22 |
PushPush |
  190 |
"with russell rooster" |
23 |
PurpleDeathX |
  164 |
"and she is going nutty futts" |
24 |
Elizarah |
  161 |
"you think if i wasnt i would be in here?" |
25 |
sergeant-mel |
158 |
"coz you spelt australa wrong" |
26 |
 156 |
"na she prob ask your bro" |
27 |
@cargo |
  155 |
"you live in that house on that ST" |
28 |
`Zed` |
 142 |
"point for iceangel!!!!" |
29 |
Slushy |
134 |
"this computers giving me the shits" |
30 |
^nikki^ |
 132 |
"gotta be a good size diamond" |
31 |
EnglishRose |
 130 |
"i had 66 e-mails to look thru heheheheeheheheh" |
32 |
Sweet |
  128 |
"no, im telling you you havent" |
- jords^ couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 36 times during this reporting period..
- Dale really wanted others to know what was doing - 90 descriptions alltogether.
- Sample:
- [00:02] * Dale defends himself
- The evil guard was ChanOP who got this reputation after kicking out 26 persons.
- Sample:
- [23:28] <AMfuckingP> 785658476597689790897678578654565464564654677856584765976897908976785786545654645...
- [23:28] *** AMfuckingP was kicked by ChanOP ([melaknee] User Kick requested)
- AMfuckingP didn't get it on the first time and got kicked out for 3 times...
- Sample:
- [23:28] <AMfuckingP> i aint as smart as u fuckers
- [23:28] *** AMfuckingP was kicked by ChanOP ([Lushy] *bounce*)
- Mensch had many things uncertain - 15% of lines contained a question.
- Josh wrote longest lines - average of 33 letters per line.
- Average line length on #18-25 was 18 letters.